How To Start Your Own Blog

Blogging became an important part of my life and I really can’t imagine my life without it anymore! Being a blogger helped me to develop myself in many ways, to show off my creativity, to meet amazing people and overall it made me very happy. Having your own blog doesn’t really take too much time. If you like writing and sharing parts of your life, then you’ll enjoy coming up with new posts, creating new outfits, make up looks or whatever you chose to put your focus on. The most important thing is that you like blogging! Everything else comes easy, really.

If some of you want to start your own blog, I will use this opportunity to support and encourage you and give you some advice on how to start.

Follow your dreams, don’t give up and always stay true to yourself!

I started blogging as a hobby, but if you’re persistent enough and become more successful, it can be a great way to earn money as well. There’s nothing better than earning doing what you love and what makes you truly happy!

1. Decide what you want to write about

What’s that one thing you’re really passionate about? Is it fashion, is it make up, is it travelling or is it something else? Or is it all of it? Answer that question to yourself and you’re one step closer to having a successful blog! Once you’ve decided what your blog will be about, you’re ready for the next step.

The most popular blogs are written about:

  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Lifestyle
  • Travel
  • Food & Health etc.

2. Pick a fun name for your blog

You want to be careful with this one. Once you decide a name for your blog, there’s no going back – this will be the name that will follow you through the years to come and this is the name your followers will know you by. Pick something that’s representative, easy to remember but unique and that really fits your personality and what your blog will be about. If you really can’t come up with anything good by yourself, you can use some generators to help you out. Finding a good name can last for a very looong time.

3. Find a good hosting site

WordPress is really one of my favorites, so I strongly recommend to chose that one for start. It’s not difficult to set up your blog on WordPress and there are many custom designs you can use for your blog, so you won’t need any IT knowledge to have your blog up and running the way you want it.

So, you know what you want to write about, you’ve come up with a name for your blog and you created the blog on WordPress which has a lovely installed theme? You’re ready to go!

Writing your first post can and should be difficult. This is the post that has great meaning – it’s your chance to introduce yourself to the world of blogging and it can determine the path your blog will take from this point on. Introduce yourself, make it fun, make it funny and always try to communicate with your readers through your posts.

Remember, quitting is not an option. There will always be people who will make fun of you and everyone else who tries to do something positive with their lives. Don’t pay attention to it. All the world’s famous bloggers have faced such crisis and faced bad comments, but you shouldn’t care about that. Write from your heart, write about things that put a smile on your face and things you have passion about. It will show, everyone will notice it.

Now, grab your camera with a smile, take photos and start writing your first blog post! Good luck!



  1. August 27, 2017 / 8:18 pm

    Thanks Megan. Wish I had been able to read your post when I started my blog. Great points. Thank you for sharing.

  2. August 27, 2017 / 8:21 pm

    This is awesome! Love your ideas and tips and I’m sending it to a few friends who are thinking about blogging ! This is exactly what they need !!!!

  3. August 27, 2017 / 8:28 pm

    Great tips for beginner bloggers! These will definitely get one headed in the right direction to blogging. It is definitely a blessing, year after year!

  4. August 27, 2017 / 8:54 pm

    Actually the hardest part for me was choosing a name, so that’s why I registered a domain on my own name and basically, although my blog does have a name, it’s not a fixed name and can be easily changed and instead I am the brand and not the name of the blog. Sometimes things just work out thankfully, but I spent MONTHS thinking of a name, not to come up with any, haha.Thomas xx

  5. Yes
    August 28, 2017 / 2:19 am

    Love your tips! Really thinking about starting a blog.. but does anyone have tips on how to get noticed? Should I do anything to promote my blog posts? How will I know if I’ll get noticed?

  6. Samjah
    August 28, 2017 / 4:57 am

    These are great tips! Posts like these really helped me out when I decided to start my own blog. This is good for any beginner!

  7. August 28, 2017 / 10:51 am

    I started my blog out of a necessity to express myself and get out of a boring day to day life… sounds a bit depressing i know… but that is the truth. I am so happy with my decision. And the name o my blog came really natural to me…. all of my friends call me cat… cause they feel i have somehow a cat natre… and i have the ability to fetch stuff up from nothing… was born. Thank u so much for ur lively tips babe

  8. Eva
    August 28, 2017 / 3:41 pm

    Nice argument, many girls or new bloggers need this . Two years ago nobody helped me to begin blog I’m search out on the internet and now here I am :)

  9. VALE
    August 28, 2017 / 4:25 pm

    Dear Meghan, you clearly know how to enjoy blogging without going crazy (like sometimes I do) due to schedules, social media, and creative crisis. I love that a post of this kind was written by a positive person like you, because new bloggers need encouragement and optimism. With love, Valeria

  10. Sweet as Fiction
    August 28, 2017 / 6:32 pm

    This was so informative! You covered everything that any novice blogger would need to know. Thanks for such a great post girl! Loved it.
    Sweet as Fiction

  11. Aimara
    August 28, 2017 / 9:28 pm

    What a cool post about blogging! Very useful for someone’s who’s about to start!Blogging is my full time job and even though I love it, sometimes it can be hard, but to be honest I wouldn’t change it for the world! You are right, you definitely have to be passionate about it!Thanks for sharing babe!

  12. August 29, 2017 / 5:05 am

    Babe all these tips are so insightful! I think its awesome to talk about it like you did here. I agree that the right naming for your blog is very important!xoHadasah

  13. August 29, 2017 / 5:06 am

    These are really simple, and easy to follow instructions to make a kick ass blog! There are just SO many bloggers out there that it’s important we find a niche to really invest yourself in. It’s all about sharing what we have to say, and enjoying ourselves in the end 🙂
    Bernice | IG @bunnybernice

  14. August 29, 2017 / 9:22 am

    This is such a simple yet informative post about starting a blog. I went into blogging blindly and had no instructions, but it would be so nice to have some guidance.

  15. gina diaz
    August 29, 2017 / 5:34 pm

    Amazing post babe! thank you for sharing this information and being a reminder. I think all theses steps are very important and insightful.
    xx. Gina

  16. August 30, 2017 / 4:46 pm

    Yes, I agree with all your tips. This post is very useful for those who want to become a blogger. I wish I had opportunity to read it before I’ve launched my own blog, you made it very simple and inspiring!

  17. August 31, 2017 / 1:56 am

    This is a great post for those who want to start a blog but don’t know how. These are definitely the very first steps one needs to conquer before moving on to bigger and greater things in blogging. Very nice :)

  18. September 1, 2017 / 10:01 am

    Such great tips, I’m sure everyone who didn’t start just got themselves some great advice here. XO Charissa |

  19. September 1, 2017 / 11:01 am

    These are some great tips! It’s very concise and easy to digest and carry out! I wish I knew this when I was starting my blog… but we live and learn and as long as you stick to it we can always improve, right? I know I sure have. 🙂

  20. September 2, 2017 / 7:25 pm

    Hello dear, this is such a great post! Honestly if I saw this 3 years ago this would have been a big help for me. But i’m happy you can share your knowledge and insight with people just starting out! Great post dear!xoxo, Dom

  21. September 3, 2017 / 3:39 am

    Such great tips! Keep inspiring people :).Xoxo, Yasina.

  22. September 4, 2017 / 1:10 am

    These are really great tips for newbie bloggers! I’ve found that deciding what you want to write about is so very key. Someone once told me, "If you’re writing about everything, you’re writing about nothing." It was really helpful advice for me. The moment I started honing in on my area of expertise and writing consistently about that topic, was the moment my blog started to grow.
